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Fresh Food Farmers - FreshBox Organics Delivery

Dean and Wendy - Peachester, Qld | FreshBox

Dean and Wendy - Peachester, Qld.

Farming Biodynamically we work with nature, the plants are allowed to feed naturally from the soil humus when the conditions are right.
Denis Angelino | FreshBox

Denis Angelino

Denis is proud to be able to say that he has used no chemical fertilisers on his land in the last twenty years, and that he is able to rely on natural methods to control pests like coddling moth and red spider.
Stu 'Rocket Man' - Palmwoods | FreshBox

Stu 'Rocket Man' - Palmwoods

Stu is the quintessential village farmer with a ‘No-dig’ system in which he adds organic matter to create soil and boy, do things grow. Abundance is obvious in Stu’s growing season and he’s a lovely man with a huge heart and I’m sure this has a lot to do with his yield.

Michael and Julie - Cooloolabin, Qld | FreshBox

Michael and Julie - Cooloolabin, Qld.

Michael and Julie Joyce have been producing their fresh local Mighty Bean Tempeh in the pristine hills of Cooloolabin since 1981. Organically certified and delicious, Mighty Bean’s fresh local tempeh is lovingly produced by our unique traditional family process using the finest Australian Certified Organic whole Soya Beans.
Garlic from the lush hills of Montville | FreshBox

Garlic from the lush hills of Montville.

John grows beautiful clean Garlic in the lush rolling green hills of the Sunshine Coast Hinterland.
Reward Points | Fresh Box Organics

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