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Biodynamic blueberry orchard increases its Organic Matter levels by 500%

By Champagne Pilgrim Collaborator  •   1 minute read

Biodynamic Blueberry Orchard Increases Its Organic Matter Levels by 500% | FreshBox

When I first heard about Blueberries in the Sub-tropics I didn't think they would be commercially viable but Dean has irrefutably proven that assumption incorrect. Deans blueberry orchard not only produces twice the industry standard per bush but perform so well in a nutrient availability test that the result is 'literally off the chart'. When we do a refractometer reading of plant glucose the refractometer doesn't read that high.

In the clip Dean talks about how his focus on the soil has increased his organic matter and carbon levels in the soil to a point where he doesn't have to irrigate because the life in the soil holds the water it needs in the soil colloids.

Dean and Wendy have been supplying Fresh Box since 2014 with their outstanding Blueberries.

Dean is also repopulating Australia with his Native Bee Hives. The native bees play a big role in the orchards high production per bush by pollinating the orchard.


Thanks Dean and Wendy

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