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Gingerbread Christmas Tree Kits and GF Panettoni are almost sold out.

By Fresh Box  •  0 comments  •   3 minute read

Gingerbread Christmas Tree Kits and GF Panettoni are almost sold out.

Hi ,

What do you love about this time of year?

I have a mixture of perspectives and thoughts that arise this time of year and the very best come from our little Story-May at 4 years old. She gets so excited to see Christmas lights she screams so loud with joy 'CHRISTMAS LIGHTS, LOOK' and I almost crash the car ;)

It's so cute and reminds me to keep young at heart and try my best to see things, people and nature as though I am seeing them for the very first time. With wide eyes and presence.

We as a family hold this space at meals with gratitude for every step along our foods journey, it doesn't take long as our foods journey is shorter than most :)

Awesome fresh fruits of the Earth:
Blueberries and more

Cherry Toms
Cucumber lebanese
Radish brings a zing to the salads
and more

Kin Kin laundry and kitchen products are good for the planet 🌏 and your health.

Shop - Fruits

Shop - Christmas Time

Shop - Kitchen Workshops

Send a loved one a great selection of Christmas treats with interactive Gingerbread houses and trees. Puddings, minced pies, wine, artisanal chocolate and crackers to name a few items available.

Leave a message at your cart and we will handwrite a beautiful card and send it with your loving gift.


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Almost sold out!
GF Fruit Mince Tarts - 4 Pack
We believe in baking delicious products free from preservatives and additives. Precinct's products are handcrafted in a gluten free bakery.
Gingerbread Christmas Tree Kit
Make your own delicious Gingerbread Christmas Tree
Panettone Classico
A 72-hour rising process ensures this gluten-free alternative has exactly the same fluffiness of texture that you’d expect from a traditional panettone.
Brandy Sauce
Aussie Made from Valley Produce Co. No Pudding is complete without the exceptional flavours.
I would love to invite you into my family kitchen for a 5-hour intensive class. An intimate group where we discuss and get our hands doughy, to create your very own loaf of sourdough.

Now possible as a gift voucher to share with your friends & family!


PS: Place your orders now to secure everything you need for your kitchen.  

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