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Summer Produce & Christmas Goodies Updates

By Fresh Box  •  0 comments  •   2 minute read

Summer Produce & Christmas Goodies Updates

Hello ,

Are you doing a rain 🌧 dance? We are so thankful to have this watering of our crops. Guess what!? We have Mangoes, 🥭Nectarines & Peaches 🍑oh yes!!! It is summer ☀️

Our new almond and coconut butter is delicious smothered on some apple wedges. Pana mylk chocolates in caramel are so good, it mustn’t be shared!

Also just wanted to share an update about our Christmas goodies!

Our Christmas puddings, cakes, mince pies and treats are not far away now. We will have many GF & dairy-free/plant-based options as well. Brandy sauce to accompany-hooray and loads of beautiful gifts for office or friends.

We will let you know once they have arrived so you can snap up all the good stuff! I’m personally so excited for a gingerbread house making day with my toddler! Now I’ve written that it also sounds terrifyingly messy haha.

Sending love from our home to yours this week!

PS: Place your orders now to secure everything you need for your kitchen.  

Order by 7am tomorrow for delivery to Sunshine Coast Hinterland and North Brisbane.
Order any time for Sunshine Coast delivery.

Finally, we'd also love to hear from you and see how can we can improve so please leave us a review here.






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At FreshBox, bringing you the freshest food each week (in a sustainable box) is our priority. We're all about supporting local farmers and making sure you can access affordable organics too. Here's what's fresh in this week, we know you'll love it.


Giving is not just about making a donation, it's about making a difference.

Kathy Calvin

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