ORGANIC FOOD FRESH FROM LOCAL FARMS DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR - $12 FLAT DELIVERY. Get $10 OFF your first order. Use the code "FRESH" at checkout. Phone Orders Welcome: 0490 489 122

Ultimate School Holiday Snacks

Hi ,

Time sure flies by so fast! It's that time of the year again - school holidays. We know you guys must be so excited to spend this time with your little ones. At the same time, the last thing you want is for your kids to be eating the same thing they find in their lunch box every day -- so why not make something a little different so you can make their time off feel a little more special.

What better way to spend some quality time with them than to have some delicious snacks ready - good for both your bellies! Keep reading for some ultimate school holiday snacks that you can try with your family.

1. Fruit popsicles

2. Bananas dipped in chocolate then rolled in your favourite toppings

3. Nachos with your favourite salsa and toppings

4. Homemade apple chips

5. Fruit pizza

6. Veggie sticks with delicious dip

Need some ingredients to prepare these delicious snacks? Place your orders today and we will deliver the soonest we can!

PS: Place your orders now to secure everything you need for your kitchen.  

Order by 7am tomorrow for delivery to Sunshine Coast Hinterland and North Brisbane.
Order any time for Sunshine Coast delivery.

Finally, we'd also love to hear from you and see how can we can improve so please leave us a review here.

Farmer News
Farmer Stu doing what he does best in winter. Growing FreshBox greens, singing and talking to his 🌱 beautiful plants!

At FreshBox, bringing you the freshest food each week (in a sustainable box) is our priority. We're all about supporting local farmers and making sure you can access affordable organics too. Here's what's fresh in this week, we know you'll love it.


One small box for man, one huge leap for mankind.

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