7 Best Benefits of Fresh Food Delivery Boxes
How often do you get the chance to eat farm fresh organics? Not the kind of fresh you find on the shelves of big supermarkets, but farm fresh - the kind of food that was plucked from the ground earlier that day? While we would all love to live on big expansive farms where that kind of eating lifestyle is quite literally on our doorstep, it’s not always possible. That’s just one of the reasons why we love food delivery boxes, but there’s an abundance of other reasons too. Here’s the 7 best benefits of fresh food delivery boxes, according to the team at FreshBox.
Most of us would love to be able to spend our Saturday mornings at the local farmers markets, getting to know the growers and sampling the seasonal produce to take home for the week. Sadly reality looks somewhat different. Between busy work schedules, Saturday sport and just needing some time for yourself, taking time for the markets often isn’t a priority, Sunday nights are sometimes spent at the nearest supermarket. Fresh food delivery boxes are even easier than a trip to the supermarket, you can order online in less than five minutes, or even set up a weekly delivery so you can order once and forget it - the hardest part is putting the veggies away in the fridge.
It’s not every day that we get to sample the best food of the region, but that’s exactly what food delivery boxes do. Because our seasonal boxes are handpicked for you, they often showcase foods you’ve never tried before (a favorite one is black sapote, or chocolate pudding fruit), meaning your tastebuds get to go on a journey. This is also a healthy way to eat, because the body relies on getting widespread nutrients from a widespread diet so it can fill all of its needs. Vitamins and minerals are present in different foods, so it’s important to eat more than one type of food. By mixing it up each week you’re giving your body the best possible nutrients it can find.
It’s no secret that Australian farmers have it tough. We live in one of the toughest climates, with droughts that seemingly go on for decades. These farmers have to deal with a lack of support from the government and competition with cheaper overseas growers, on top of the struggles with coronavirus, as well as the changing climate… It’s a lot to cope with, and they need our support now more than ever. More often than not, supermarkets have a goal of fulfilling their needs with the highest profit margin, which overlooks the farmers who are out there day and night.
By switching to a service that works directly with local farmers - not just across the whole country but from within the South East Queensland region - you’re doing your bit to support the local economy, and the local farmers who have had struggles we could never imagine. They’re an important backbone of the country, so it’s a nice way to say thanks. Remember, you can vote with your wallet too!
When you think about the distance that food has to travel to arrive in our country, it’s a wonder that the food is still fresh when it lands on our shelves. Well, I’m about to let you in on a little secret - and it’s a concerning one too. Foods imported into Australia are picked before they’re ripe for transport, then when they arrive in the country they’re sprayed with chemicals to make them ripen for store shelves. Now I know that’s not how nature intended. In our boxes, to contrast, food is picked within days of being on your doorstep - sometimes even hours! When you order fresh leafy greens, for example, they’re plucked out of the ground the same day they arrive on your doorstep. That’s how fresh food really should be.
Fresh organic produce delivery is hard to come by, so when you do - make sure you cherish it. One of the main reasons consumers don’t tend to purchase organic food is because of the affordability - which is an absolutely fair reason, but a true tragedy nonetheless. There is so much science to back the benefits of an organic diet (and we’ve written about them in another blog you should read here), and making them affordable is where an initiative like hours comes in. By working directly with farmers and suppliers, we can offer organic produce at the lowest possible in our delivery boxes, making it one of the most affordable ways to eat organic foods across the region.
Because delivery box services work with local growers, the produce you’re eating is seasonal. We’ve already touched on how this may often mean you’re trying delicious new foods, but what’s also important to note is that these foods will vary from season to season. Think about it, when you’re growing veggies at home (if you’ve ever been lucky enough to), you’ll know that different times of the year mean different foods are ready - we even see that in larger supermarkets to some extent. The beauty of seasonal boxes is that they really focus on this principle; in winter you’ll have heartier roots, in summer there will be fresher fruits, and don’t get me started on spring greens…
This has a benefit for you too. We’re just one part of nature, and for centuries our bodies have been conditioned to eat what’s available, when it’s available. It’s only really in the last 50 years that we’ve started to see a globalised food economy to such a large extent - and our bodies are having a hard time adjusting to this constant supply. Seasonal eating takes us through somewhat of a circadian rhythm, where heartier foods are ready when we need to hibernate over winter months, and hydrating foods with a quick burst of energy are ready for those quick summer days. Even the spring greens - their alkalising capabilities are perfect for a spring detox we often crave after winter.
And it’s not only us that benefits from seasonal eating, the planet does too. It’s such an important principle in permaculture, to be able to rotate the crops and deliver different nutrients to the soil. Our planet is being exhausted and depleted by monocropping practices that decimate the landscape, and seasonal eating is just one way to tackle that.
When we’re thinking about the planet, personal waste is a huge factor that’s within our control. While it might not seem like the most efficient way - having someone drive from house to house - it actually takes the strain off your carbon footprint. Instead of each customer driving to the shop, creating an individual footprint, a driver follows a carefully marked route to ensure they’re using the least amount of travel time possible.
And that’s not all. Here at FreshBox, personally, all food is delivered in a sturdy reusable cardboard box, with no single use plastic from any of our produce, so you can rest easy. Then, to top it all off, by supporting local farmers you’re also reducing your contribution to international food miles - and that says something.
How Fresh Food Delivery Boxes Actually Work
Most of us all know how convenient a food delivery service is, but how does it actually work? And how is the food fresher than food you would get from a supermarket?
We can’t necessarily speak for all brands, but we can explain what we do here at FreshBox. We only work with seasonal ingredients from local growers, so essentially our delivery boxes are the closest thing to a farmers market on your doorstep. Customers can either choose a seasonal box, which is filled with the freshest fruits and vegetables from a nearby farm, or they can order their produce directly through us - we then bundle it into an entirely eco-friendly box, and our friendly drivers deliver it straight to your door.
By operating this way, we’re cutting out the massive middle man that is supermarket conglomerates; we’re working directly with the local farmers who need our support the most. And in doing back, we’re giving back to the wider South East Queensland community, and the environment around us in turn.
In ordering your weekly deliveries through FreshBox, you’re doing your part to support our region. And we think that’s the best benefit of all.
To schedule your next fresh food delivery boxes, you can place your order here.