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Huggins organic farm - Gatton, Qld.

By Champagne Pilgrim Collaborator  •   1 minute read

Huggins organic farm - Gatton, Qld | FreshBox
Huggins organic farm - Gatton, Qld | FreshBox

Mr Huggins and his wife Lorena said their six children were taught valuable life skills through working the land with their parents, such as an appreciation for food and a strong work ethic, but the patriarch also admitted the kids weren't the only students.

"(Technology) has made it a lot easier, and they grasp that, whereas when I finished school, they only just had the big computers and typewriters,” he said.

"I think I'd sort of struggle if I didn't have the kids to keep up with all of that technology side of things, so it's good to have them helping out there.”

The Huggins family supply Fresh Box with Carrots, Beetroot, Celery.

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